dilluns, 9 de maig del 2011


Activity 2 – Research
If you could build a dream school, what would you do?
·         What would the outside of the building look like?
·         What about the inside of the school? What colors would you like to use? What kind of material would you use? Kind of furniture?
·         What kind methods do you use in your dream school?
·         Traditional teachers or ‘new’ teachers? What is a new teacher?
·         What kind of technology do you use in your dream school? Is everyone having a netbook or tablet in the dream school? How do you want to use this technology?
·         Are there traditional class rooms in your dream school or do you want to have open learn spaces in your school?
·         I s your dream school a  green school? How do you pay attention to the environmental issues? Is your school sustainable?
·         Is your dream organizing projects for other kids in the world – is your school sustainable? Does your school pay attention to
·        Can you write your own schools’ rules?
·        What do you think you can learn in a school (and how could this be different)?
·        What do you think adults (teachers, director, etc.) want you to learn?
·         How can a school make you grow as a person (as a citizen, as a friend, as a future parent, future worker, etc.)?
·         Schedule or
·         Student – teacher relationship
·         Testing
·         Equipment in your school
·         TIMETABLE/ SUBJECTS.....

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